Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union, implementing arms control agreements, and on the staff of General Norman Schwartzkopf during the Gulf War, where he played a critical role in the hunt for Iraqi SCUD missiles. From 1991 until 1998, Mr. Ritter served as a Chief Inspector for the United Nations in Iraq, leading the search for Iraq’s proscribed weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Ritter was a vocal critic of the American decision to go to war with Iraq. His new book, Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union, is his ninth.

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An American traveling to former Soviet block countries. I have worked for the DoD on guided weapon imaging and cyber/information warfare systems, and now write about cyber security, information warfare, and videos about life in the Soviet block.
Jeff Norman is the founder of U.S. Tour of Duty and the managing editor of Scott Ritter Extra. He hosts two podcasts: Ask the Inspector and Scenes from the Evolution (with Tori Mansfield).
Just a guy who posts stuff, sometimes with help from his staff.